If you are viewing this particular article you are probably new to AppBox, Firstly welcome, we hope you enjoy it.

Apps are central to how AppBox works, from FTP to Torrent Clients and OS images, everything is an App. 

So lets get started...

Fist you need to log in you your AppBox account, https://appboxes.co

Next Go to the App Store

Dashboard - App Store - Apps

Here you can Search for an App, Filter into categories or view the featured apps.

App Search

Once you have found the application you want, click the icon to load the App specific page.
The Example we are going to look at is Plex.


Once the page is loaded Click "Get" to install, you will be prompted with a configuration window (refer to specific apps for installation and configuration support).

Note: The username and password on the configuration window does not have to be the same as your app box account and can be whatever you would like it to be. (Restrictions may apply per app for authorised character)


User Submitted - Zycore

We've setup a chat system on one of our AppBoxes so you can get status updates and hangout with other users and ourselves, feel free to ask anything and maybe the community will be able to provide further support.

Click here to sign up

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