STOP, Before You Open a Ticket or Complain Something is Broken Read This:

Lets say you start to download a torrent that is completely fresh and you are one of the first people to download it, you get very good download speeds of around 100-200mbps which is great, however the upload speed fluctuates so much, between 10mbps - 50mbps, however as soon as the torrent is 100% completed the upload rate drops to anywhere between 100-500Kbps regardless of the amount of seeders/leechers. 

Or you download a torrent and there are hundreds of leechers but you are not uploading anything, this does not mean your client is broken.

Users assume that the upload speed should be amazing and that with the upgraded connection you should be getting 100, 200, 300mbps or more all the time, this is not the case. 

Unless you have a few hours to go over how torrents work, the way a P2P infrastructure is utilised or are prepared to read an essay that is worthy of a PhD on Swarm Dynamics alone we can understand how it can seem like you think something is wrong. (if you would like to have a very well-informed discussion on this, one of the admins is more than qualified/capable, Jokes, they are really busy)

The below explanation may appease your concerns:

This is how the bittorrent architecture works. It's underlying algorithm utilises tit-for-tat which you can read further about here:

Basically peers will favour seeds over peers, and will favour the fastest peers/seeds rather than slower ones. Once a torrent has a certain number of seeders the aggregate bandwidth becomes enough that the potential upload traffic becomes diluted over many seeders, each one maybe contributing 1MB/s max. 

Therefore becoming one of the first seeders is the best strategy in bittorrent--if we look at it as a game. Thus to maximise your utility, downloading a torrent the fastest--or one of the fastest--becomes the game. This is where autodl-irssi comes in, it allows you to be one of the first peers, and thus seeders in the swarm, because you have a 1Gbit connection you have a good chance of maximising your utility (you will not be choked by other peers as you have a high upload speed) in the game until the aggregate bandwidth--due to many seeders--becomes enough and the upload traffic is diluted throughout the bittorrent swarm--at which point max upload will not be high. 

I hope this makes sense

In very rare cases an actual issue with the client may be causing slow speed, BEFORE you raise a ticket please join the support chat linked below and ask, the issue may be being worked on and further tickets will not speed it up. 


User Submitted - Zycore

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