These Instructions are for installations of ruTorrent

Pre-Setup Checklist

  • Deluge is Installed on AppBox
  • Downloaded and Installed Transdroid on you Android Device (Link)
    • Support and instructions on installing an apk from unknown sources can be found Here (Follow Part 1 Allowing Unknown Sources)
    • Further support CAN NOT be provided, installing apk files can compromise your device security, do so at your own risk!


Open Transdroid on your device click settings in the top right corner. 

Transdroid Settings

Next Click Add New Server and select Add Normal, custom server

Transdroid New Server

Next you will need to enter the relevant settings to connect to your ruTorrent.

Server Settings

Configuration Support:

Name: Deluge
Server Type: Deluge 1.2+
Host Name/IP:
Deluge Password: This can be found on your dashboard under the ruTorrent App settings.
SSL: Yes
Port: If not automatically set then use 443.
SSL Certificates: Check this box.  

Once the server has been added you will see it located on the main settings page under Server, it should look like this.

Server Added


User Submitted - Kamikazenach

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