First, make sure you have Pure-FTPd installed on your AppBoxes account.
On your local FTP Application use the following Details;

Name: What you want to use to refer to this connection
Host Name/IP:
Port: This can be found on your dashboard under the Pure-FTPd App settings.
Protocol/Encryption: Next make sure you are not trying to use SFTP, this is not supported via this method, Use "explicit FTP over TLS if available".
Username: This can be found on your dashboard under the Pure-FTPd App settings.
Password: This can be found on your dashboard under the Pure-FTPd App settings.

If you are still unable to connect via FTP then please join chat and let us know.

Q: I want to use SFTP as its more secure
This is a a common misconception, FTPS (FTP over TLS) is as secure as SFTP but supports resume & multi-threaded downloads.
If you really need/want to use SFTP please install Ubuntu 18.

Make sure you are using the correct Host Name/IP and Port, this can be found on your dashboard under the Pure-FTPd App settings located here:

User Submitted - Zycore & Jason

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