FTP Clients

Multi-threaded & Segmented FTP Downloading

Captain FTP: MAC OS X
CuteFTP Pro: Windows
aria2 FTP: Windows
SmartFTP Pro: Windows
Cyberduck: MAC OS X

Trouble Shooting FTP

Quick Troubleshooting Tips for FTP or SFTP

1: Make sure the Port, Password, Username (For SFTP the username is: _root_) and Domain you are using is correct, Check here https://www.appbox.co/appboxmanager/installedapps
2: If the above does not work, and you are using FileZilla, remove the connection from connection manager and add it again.
3: Try installing a second Pure-FTPd application on your AppBox, *DO NOT* remove the troubled instance, this is to test there is no other errors with your box or FTP globally.
4: Last and only option is to holla at an admin

User Submitted - Zycore

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