It may take up to 5 minutes for some apps to finish installing, go make a cuppa tea.

If you get this page for longer than 15 minutes, please tell a member of staff or submit a support ticket. DO NOT try and uninstall the application, THIS WLL result in data loss and cause further issues.

Please note that during periods of maintenance and when updates have been pushed out, this may be longer than normal, during this time please DO NOT try and uninstall the application, THIS WLL result in data loss and will most definitely cause further issues.

Issues CAUSED by users FAILING to follow warnings and being impatient are not a priority for admins to fix, so expect some down time.


User Submitted - Zycore

We've setup a chat system on one of our AppBoxes so you can get status updates and hangout with other users and ourselves, feel free to ask anything and maybe the community will be able to provide further support.

Click here to sign up

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