Our services all have the full rutorrent plugin package installed along with a few selected third party plugins.

If you wish to enable/disable a plugin the steps are:

1) Login to ruTorrent 
2) Locate the "Plugins tab"
3) On the list of plugins, right click on the plugin you wish to activate/disable and select 'Enable/Disable' in the 'Launch' menu.
4) Reload ruTorrent and the plugin should be enbaled for use / disaabled for use.

If you are missing a plugin which you think is very useful and would like it added just contact us and we'll look into adding it!

Currently there are the following plugins:
  • _getdir - this plugin helps ruTorrent find and render directories.
  • _noty - this plugin provides the notification functionality for other plugins.
  • _noty2 - replacement for _noty using the Web Notifications API instead of the jQuery plugin noty.
  • _task - this plugin provides the possibility of running various scripts on the host system.
  • Autodl-irssi - irc bot for auto downloading.
  • AutoTools - realizes some automation functions (autolabel, automove).
  • Check_Port - adds an incoming port status indicator to the bottom bar.
  • Chunks - this plugin shows info on torrent pieces (which pieces have downloaded).
  • Cookies - allows to define a set of cookies for trackers which use such method of authorization.
  • Cpuload - shows cpu loading on the bottom bar in an easy to read fashion.
  • Сreate - adds the command of new torrent creation.
  • Data - this plugin adds an http download option to the "files" tab and torrent menu.
  • DataDir - allows to change the torrent's data directory.
  • DiskSpace - shows remaining space on the bottom bar in an easy to read fashion.
  • Edit - allows to edit the trackers list of the existing torrent.
  • EraseData - adds "Delete with the data" to the right click context menu.
  • ExtRatio - this plugin extends the functionality of the ratio plugin.
  • ExtSearch - adds an internal search function to many popular public and private sites
  • Feeds - this plugin is intended for making RSS feeds with information of torrents.
  • FileDrop - allows users to drag multiple torrents from desktop to the browser.
  • GeoIP - shows country name and flag for connected peers.
  • History - this plugin is designed to log a history of torrents.
  • HTTPRPC - similar to RPC but with low bandwidth use in mind.
  • IPad - allows ruTorrent to work properly on iPad-like devices.
  • LoginMgr - this plugin is used for sites where cookies fail, to help support RSS and ExtSearch
  • LookAt - allows to search for torrent name in external sources.
  • Mediainfo - this plugin is intended to display media file information.
  • Ratio - allows to set different ratio limitations for groups of torrents.
  • Retrackers - automatically adds defined re-trackers for newly added torrents.
  • RPC - a plugin for linking rtorrent and a web server. (Replacement for mod_scgi).
  • RSS - realizes operations with RSS-feeds.
  • RSSURLRewrite - this plugin is used to rewrite http links for rss using regular expressions.
  • Rutracker_check - checks the rutracker.org tracker for updated/deleted torrents.
  • Scheduler - allows to change speed limitations of downloads/uploads depending on hour of the day and day of the week.
  • Screenshots - this plugin is intended to show screenshots from video files.
  • SeedingTime - adds the column with the torrent's finishing time to torrents list.
  • Show_peers_like_wtorrent - changes the format of values in "Seeds" and "Peers" columns of the torrents list.
  • Source - this plugin lets you download the .torrent file.
  • Theme - adds several themes and the ability to choose which one to use from the settings menu.
  • Throttle - allows to set different speed limitations for groups of torrents.
  • TrackLabels - adds a set of automatically generated by trackers' names labels onto categories pane.
  • Trafic - adds a subsystem of the traffic counting.
  • Unpack - unpack downloaded torrents.
  • UploadETA - Add upload target and ETA columns to torrent list.
  • XMPP - send notification through xmpp about finished downloads.
3rd Party Plugins
  • AddZip - this plugin allows adding of torrent files frmo a Zip Archive.
  • Checksfv - this plugin is intended to display media file information.
  • Disklog - this plugin displays disk usage in the log window.
  • Filemanager - file manager plugin.
  • Fileshare - file share plugin.
  • Fileupload - sharing services file uploader.
  • Force_save_session - force saving all torrents in the session.
  • InstantSearch - plugin allows you to search for running torrents, displaying results instantly.
  • Logoff - plugin allows you to switch users or logoff.
  • NFO - plugin for displaying the content of the .nfo file.
  • Pausewebui - plugin to pause the ui.
  • Ratiocolor - change color of ratio column depending on ratio.
  • rutorrentMobile - ruTorrent for mobile devices.
  • Showip - this plugin displays server ip address in the bottom bar.
  • Spectrogram - this plugin is intended to show spectrogram of audio files.
  • Speedgraph - this plugin allows for changing the duration of the speed graph.

We've setup a chat system on one of our AppBoxes so you can get status updates and hangout with other users and ourselves, feel free to ask anything and maybe the community will be able to provide further support.

Click here to sign up

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