We consider that you have installed pp VPN, choose a username and a password before going on …

To use VPN from AppBoxes, you need at first to download OpenVPN as this protocol is not natively supported by Microsoft who prefers less protective protocols.
You have to go on this link to download last version of OpenVPN and then you have to install it.
Once installed, you have to obtain your config file from AppBoxes, you will get it on https://vpn.username.appboxes.co/config.ovpn with your username and password.

Save this file in the config directory of your OpenVPN install, in my case :
C:\Users\$username\OpenVPN\config, this file will be used for connection, it contains everything needed as username, password, server, port, protocol and keys.

Either you run the GUI when Windows starts up, or you can run it when needed, in any case, you have just to click “Connect” for your IP address to be in Netherland and all your data to be encrypted.

User Submitted - Philippe

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