This tutorial/video explains how to download files using an RSS feed.

Step 1:
Install deluge client on your local system. (More info here: And ensure you have the YaRSS2 (Python version 2.7) plugin installed locally (More info here:

YaRSS2 Not Enabling?
There is no WebUI component to YaRSS2 so therefore on some occasions it can seem as if it has not applied and is not enabled, this is not the case and once you download the local client the plugin will work as expected.
You can also confirm this by viewing the deluge configuration via FTP.

Step 2:
You may need to enable remote connections, do this by checking 'Allow Remote Connections' within Preferences > Daemon and restart Deluge.

Step 3:
Enter your remote connection information, for example, port, user & password found under your installed app page.

Step 4:
Ensure that YaRSS2 is enabled in Plugins, You should be able to open Preferences > YaRSS2 and see your RSS configuration if successfully configured.

Step 5:
Open the RSS Feeds tab and select Add Feed.

Step 6:
Enter a name, RSS Feed URL & Update interval of 5.

Step 7:
Open the Subscriptions tab and click Add Subscription.

Step 8:
Add a subscription name, select your new RSS Feed and wait for it to load the feed contents.

Step 9:
Enter a filter to download only specific files, or enter .* to download all data from the RSS feed.

Step 10:
Click Save, Apply & Close the preferences panels, Wait 5 Minutes and your RSS feed torrents should be automatically added.

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