This guide with take you through step by step how to setup and configure Rclone in order to interact with files stored on Google Drive, and cover both the encrypted and unencrypted options. At the end of this guide you will find details on how to configure Plex to use the Google Drive remote.
Please make sure you're using the most recent version of our app from our Appstore, Google have made some changes to the way Google Drive integration works which has required some changes on our end.
Setting up and configuring Rclone
- Install the rclone app from the Appstore (here)
- Click the link to rclone and when prompted enter the password you set in 1
- Press the Config button in the bottom right corner of the window
- When prompted with "n/s/q>" type "n" and press enter, when prompted with "name>" type gdrive and press enter, this will be the name of your google drive
- When prompted with "Storage>" type "drive" and press enter
- When prompted with "client_id>" you can either press enter to use the Rclone main account API call quota, or create your own by following the guide at
- When prompted with "client_secret>" you can either press enter to use the Rclone main account API call quota, or create your own by following the guide at
- When prompted with "scope>" press enter
- When prompted with "root_folder_id" press enter
- When prompted with "service_account_file" press enter
- When prompted with "Edit advanced config? (y/n)" press enter
- When prompted with "Use auto config?" press enter
- When prompted with "Waiting for code..." highlight the URL as shown below
- Click on the "Clipboard" button in the top right of the browser window
- Highlight the URL in the box which has appeared and copy it to your clipboard (right click > copy, or ctl + c)
- Paste this URL (make sure it's http:// and not https://) into a new "incognito" or "private" mode browser tab and press enter, please make sure you do not close the existing rclone-browser tab
- Click on the name of your Google account with which your Google Drive is associated
- Click the "Allow" button
- You will then be redirected to a page which doesn't exist, this is normal!
- In the browser address bar, delete "localhost" and replace it with your rclone app URL, for example "", then press enter
- Return the Rclone tab, and you should see the below screen. When prompted "Configure this as a team drive?" press enter
( If you are Using Google Workspace Then Select Y at this point. ) - (Optional) In the Drop Down select What Workspace Shared Folder you want to use ( Ignore If Not Using Workspace )
- When prompted "y/e/d>" press enter
- When prompted "e/n/d/r/c/s/q>" if you wish to setup encryption with Google Drive type "n" and press enter, if you do not wish to use encryption type "q", press enter and skip to step 38 below
- (Optional) When prompted "name>" type "gcrypt" and press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "Storage>" type "crypt" and press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "remote>" type "gdrive:/crypt" (please create or ensure the "crypt" folder exists in your Google Drive or in the path specified in step 27) and press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "filename_encryption>" type "2" and press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "directory_name_encryption>" type "1" and press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "Password or pass phrase for encryption." type "g" for a random key
- (Optional) When prompted "Bits>" type "1024" and press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "Use this password?" press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "Password or pass phrase for salt." type "g" and press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "Bits>" type "1024" and press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "Use this password?" press enter
- (Optional) When prompted "y/n>" press enter, When prompted "y/e/d>" press enter, when prompted "e/n/d/r/c/s/q>" type "q" and press enter
- Double click on the remote you wish to use, "gdrive" for without encryption, or "gcrypt" for with encryption
- Click the "Mount" button
- In the left panel click "Computer", then in the right panel double click "/"
- Scroll down until you see "shared_mounts" double click it
- Click the "New Folder" button
- Rename the new folder to "gdrive" if you're not using encryption, or "gcrypt" if you are using encryption. Then click the "Choose" button
- Restart the Rclone app from our dashboard, this will make rclone remount the gdrive if there's any errors, however you will no longer see it mounted in the rclone browser.
- You can check if it's mounted correctly using the "File Explorer" tab on your appbox page.
- Your Google drive should now be mounted in your Rclone app folder! Now lets look how we can add this to Plex
Configuring Plex
- Open your Plex link from the Appbox dashboard
- Click your account dropdown menu, and then click "Account"
- Make sure you have your Appbox plex server selected as shown in point 1 on the image below. Click the "Libraries" option (shown in point 2 below). Click the "ADD LIBRARY" button (shown in point 3 below)
- Click "Select type", then select the type of library you want (shown in point 2 below), then click "Add folders"
- Click the "BROWSE FOR MEDIA FOLDER" button
- Click the name of the remote (as shown in point 1 below), this should be "gdrive" if you're not using encryption or "gcrypt" if you are using encryption. Then press the "ADD" button.
- Finally click the "ADD LIBRARY" button
Congratulations! You've made it to then end, you've successfully learned how to setup a remote in Rclone and add it to Plex.
Admin Submitted - Rid
We've setup a chat system on one of our Appboxes so you can get status updates and hangout with other users and ourselves, feel free to ask anything and maybe the community will be able to provide further support.