Pre-Setup Checklist

  • Transmission is Installed on AppBox
  • Downloaded and Installed Remote GUI (Link)
    • Installation instructions can be found on the GitHub page


Open Transmission Remote GUI and select the Connection Icon, next click New Connection.

Remote Gui Menu

Next fill in the relevant details associated with your installation of Transmission like so:

New Connection

Configuration Support:

Remote host: This is
Port: 443
Use SSL: Check
Authentication required: Check
User Name: The Username Assigned to Transmission During Installation  
Password: The Password Assigned to Transmission During Installation  

Once you have filled in the New Connection to Tranmission Information Click OK,

You will be presented with a Connection to your installation of Transmission, like So: (Indication that a connection is successful can been seen in the Bottom Left hand Corner)

Completed Connection


User Submitted - Zycore

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