Best Practice Guide

1. This applies to all users, rtorrent is single threaded on it's XMLRPC interface, that means it cannot handle a whole load of commands at once very well. Therefore when doing any actions, do a small chunk, wait for them to finish, then continue.

2. The above applies in double when dealing with buggy torrents. A lot of public torrents contain trackers which either do not exist anymore or are offline for some reason. Adding many of those torrents at the same time will cause rtorrent to lock up, as it's constantly trying to contact those trackers, be patient and only add a few of these torrents at a time, or follow 3 below.
3. In the case where your torrents have bad trackers (timeouts or don't exist), add those specific trackers to the retracker plugin (Settings > Retrackers > Remove Announce URLs) and paste in on each line the tracker to remove from new torrents, for example If dealing with torrents already added you can either a) disable trackers on each torrent which are offline from the 'Trackers' tab of the torrent, or b) delete the torrent (but not data) and rea-dd it.

Errors and Solutions

Bad data from tracker or Bad Tracker Data

Another error message that typically means little. Usually,this is a problem when a tracker is overloaded. If the problem persists, you may want to look for another torrent, but typically patience and time will allow the problem to correct itself.

Problem connecting to tracker – timeout exceeded
Problem connecting to tracker – HTTP Error 503: Connect failed
Problem connecting to tracker – [Errno socket error] (10061, “Connection refused”
Problem connecting to tracker – (111, ‘Connection refused’

By the sheer demand of connections that a tracker gets, connection issues are unavoidable. The best solution for the above errors is to leave ruTorrent open. These type of errors get resolved by itself when connections stabilize.

Problem connecting to tracker – HTTP Error 400: Not Authorized

Unavailable torrent, probably very old and already removed

Problem connecting to tracker – HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Indicates a dead torrent

Problem connecting to tracker – HTTP Error 407: Proxy Authentication Required

Configure and verify your logins for your proxy server in order to establish a connection with your tracker

Connecting to peers

Maybe there are no users to connect to. Leave your torrent open and maybe the bittorrent client will connect (it may take some time).


Problem connecting with tracker – (10054,’Connection reset by peer’)

This occurs when an established connection is shut down for some reason by the remote computer, just ignore it.

Rejected by tracker – Port xxxx is blacklisted

Your client is reporting to the tracker that it uses one of the default bittorrent ports (6881-6889) or any other common p2p port for incoming connections.
The tracker in question does not allow clients to use ports commonly associated with p2p protocols. The reason for this is that it is a common practice for ISPs to throttle those ports (that is, limit the bandwidth, hence the speed). Contact your tracker and ask for the blocked and ideal ports they recommend.


Web server can’t access rTorrent’s session directory for read. ruTorrent will not work.

This is caused by permission errors on certain directories that the web server need to access. config files also need to be looked into. If you are not familiar of rTorrent’s config files’ locations or are hesitant to make the changes, kindly open a support ticket and we will look into this for you.

rTorrent’s user can’t access settings directory for read/write/execute. ruTorrent will not work.
rTorrent’s user can’t access file ./ for read/execute. ruTorrent will not work.
rTorrent’s user can’t access torrents directory for read/execute. You can’t add torrents through ruTorrent.
Web server can’t access settings directory for read/write/execute. ruTorrent can’t save own settings.
Web server can’t access torrents directory for read/write/execute. You can’t add torrents through ruTorrent.

This group of errors most likely relate to incorrect ruTorrent installation. Say the archive has been unpacked not under a web server user account.

Bad link to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file.

Ususally it means rTorrent is terminated or has not been started. If despite this error is shown you can see the list of torrents in ruTorrent – there is something wrong in ruTorrent configuration file, as it mentioned in the error message.

xxx plugin: Plugin will not work. Web-server can’t access to external program (program name)

Refer to Plugin Support as this is most likley an issue with the plugin compatability not ruTorrent. 


User Submitted - Zycore

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