WebUI keeps losing connection with large number of torrents. While using the WebUI to control...
Unfortunately this is a known bug with deluge. Here's the steps which produce the error: 1. Add...
If you receive the following error when trying to start deluge on Ubuntu VNC: Traceback (most...
If your SSL Certificate is showing as expired when using Pure-FTPd you may need to renew it.This...
You can try improving Plex performance by disabling hardware acceleration, some users have found...
Multi-threaded and Segmented FTP Concurrent transfers Downloading many files simultaneously can...
On my application configuration screen i am missing the port number and i am getting this error...
If Qbittorrent is crashing, it's normally due to using too much RAM. We can fix this by limiting...
STOP, Before You Open a Ticket or Complain Something is Broken Read This:Lets say you start to...
Best Practice Guide1. This applies to all users, rtorrent is single threaded on its XMLRPC...